Operational delays at the Port Of Felixstowe

15th September 2020.

The PoF has issued the following statement regarding current issues:-

We are currently experiencing a high demand for both road and rail capacity. Exacerbated by the unusually high levels of empty containers at the port, which reduce yard efficiency, and restrictions on training activities during the peak of the COVID-crisis, which has impacted resource availability.

In an attempt to address these issues, we are actively looking for opportunities to add or increase the number of VBS bookings available, which includes Sunday opening until the end of October. We are allocating maximum available resource, and we are working with customers to reduce yard density. We are also recruiting and training over 100 additional port operatives.

Please note that we are actively adding VBS bookings today (and tomorrow) and there have been no bookings taken away.

Thank you for your support during this period and please be assured that we are doing all we can to address these operational challenges.

Guy Morgan